Were you aware of the fact that you can watch TV lawfully on your computer without paying monthly subscription fees?
Nearly all people don't have any clue about this option and just savvy net surfers are currently taking advantage of this service.
All you need to gain access to a ton of satellite television channels from around the world is a software package that can be easily setup on your computer.
Why pay cable or satellite television providers for service when you get it almost free online?
But where can you buy this software and how do you know that its not a scam?
Just surfing the web for this type of software, you will see a multitude of companies that advertise this software package and most of these products do not work as well as claimed.
Many of them have problems that make the software difficult to use.
I have bought several of these software packages, and I have learned of a few that do exactly what they are advertised to do and others that could be better.
In this blog I will attempt to give a full tv-pc software report and outline for you all the pros and cons that are helpful to be aware of before you decide about whether or not to buy one of these software packages.